International Conference and International Seminar 2013

On September 21st-26th 2013, we have The most prestigoious Festival event!!
The place is in Semarang and Yogyakarta
International Seminar and International Conference is one of the activity in International Science and Art Festival 2013. This event creates by IAAS INDONESIA (International Association of Students in Agriculture and Relates Sciences)
Join this international event :D

International Seminar on “Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Marine Sustainability”
     Agriculture is the sector of food providers who are never out of a variety of issues, both issues of ecological, economic, social and cultural, even political policy issues. In order to meet the food needs, especially to maintain and increase food production at the field level there are still many barriers and obstacles encountered. Of the many barriers and obstacles, there is that can be handled through the introduction of technologies and other strategic efforts, but some are difficult to handle, especially related to natural phenomena.
     Impact of climate change on agriculture and Marine is evident from the decline in agricultural production. This is caused by the level of soil fertility continues to decline due to intensive land use, farmland narrowing. Based on that, it needs the contribution of all stakeholders to maintain and increase agricultural production. In order to maintain and increase production of food crops that are closely linked with climate change and anomalies, it is clearly necessary discussion about Sustainability Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Marine Sector. This discussion will be expected to provide input to the sustainability of the agricultural and marine sector.

International Conference

Conference Alerts September 2013
Call for Paper September 2013
will be held in Indonesia
International Conference is one of a series of the International Science and Art Festival (ISAF) in 2013. The conference will bring together 100 students from around the world who care about agriculture and gather new ideas for solving important problems about agriculture with the theme of “Food Sovereignty”.
The conference will be held in 2 days on 24th and 25th September 2013. At the end of the conference, participants will make some deals called “IAAS Charter of Food Sovereignty”. On the first day participants will be separated into three discussion groups in which each group was accompanied by a lighter and a speaker who is an expert in their respective fields. The themes to be discussed during the International Conference Economic development in agriculture and industry are Biotechnology in agriculture, and International politics and diplomacy about agricultural policy. And at the end of the conference, the three discussion groups merged back to the formulation of the final “IAAS Charter of Food Sovereignty”, that some points will be declared at the closing of the overall activities of ISAF in 2013 on 27 September 2013 evening. For the conference, the committee will work closely with international organizations, LSM, and GO are concerned about the farm, such as FAO, Ministry of Agriculture, FOSENET, etc.

this is ISAF Teaser:

Fore more information:


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