
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2019

Tentang Jodoh

few months ago. i listened ceramah ustad Khalid about jodoh. Fisrt thing that we have to see for a man that we chose is "same faith". and the second thing is "sekufu" or in english maybe i can say "same mindset", oh , i feel surprise for the second. why? because i think "sekufu" in something unimportant.  yes.. but it in the second most important thing..

Cat and Mouse

In the night, i heard a sound.. "srek srek". I checked in the kitchen, and,, find nothing!. Then, i continued to watch TV. and, suddenly i saw a plastic sound againn.. "sret sret.." i checked it.. but i find nothing again!. In the morning, my mom told me that she saw Dadul (My neighbour's cat) in  the toilet, drink water from closet.. its healthy for him maybe. I felt shock because Dadul so quiet.. dont say anything like.. "Meow.." ** And 2 days afterthat... my aunt gave me ampyang. in the night.. the ampyang was eaten by mouse. My dad bought mouse trap. My dad cooked chicken hand.. and.. i told him "mm.. it yummy.. i want it!". My dad said, "oh no.. its for mouse trap" and.. my dad put the mouse trap behind our house.. 3 hours later.. we caiught a mouse!!.. waww.. ut the mouse was strong.. so the mouse can out of the trap!!. my dad felt dissappoint beacause failed to catcj the mouse.

Peraturan Tidak Tertulis

"Jadilah Orang yang Pintar" Kalimat ini memang bagus, tetapi suka disalahartikan oleh orang-orang.  Pertanyaannya, "Apa definisi pintar??"  Ada yag bilang : 1. kalo saya rangking 1 dengan murni di kelas 2. kalo nilai UN saya 100 3. Jago menghafal dll. dll Banyak sekali orang mengartikan pintar hanya dilihat dari sisi akademik saja. Padahal, definisi pintar itu LUAS. Banyak orang yang akademis pintar, tetapi kehidupan sosial nya tidak pintar. Oke.. sekarang saya bukan ingin membahas "DEFINISI PINTAR". Tetapi mengenai peraturan tidak tertulis ** Di dunia ini, ada ribuan peraturan2 atau etiket tidak tertulis. Sayangnya, karena peraturan tersebut tidak tertulis, maka gak semua orang tahu.  Mungkin saya tahu 300 peraturan tidak tertulis, ketika orang2 tau 1000 peraturan tidak tertulis. Kalo larangan: dilarang mencuri, dilarang mencopet, dilarang mengintip orang mandi, dll., kita pasti tahu lah ya..kalo itu hal yang pasti DIL